

The project gave the opportunity for club members to participate in training water rescue services. It was not just the usual rescue "pool" course, but it was the relatively intensive training certified for open water rescue.

Each of experienced sailors and water sporters can often verify the power of the elements. Even experienced windsurfers can have problems after exhausting match with strong winds break in the middle of the lake and after surfing mast break they must swim to shore from last forces. The more security is important when there are 30 children on the open water. The shore and open water emergency ist top priority for secure water sporters.

We felt for a long time the need for these courses, even more so when we wanted to maintain the level of quality for all project events and other events on Domasa. 

Rescue training of higher level provided for us Slovak Red Cross Organisation, which is the only one in Slovakia, with world water rescue certificate. The degree of difficulty of the training was the for that many participants surprise.

In addition to obtaining certificates is also important outcome of the project - establishing a permanent cooperation with the Slovak Red Cross and a common effort to create a concept of security on the water.

Ďakujeme za podporu Mestu Košice a Slovenskému zväzu jachtingu.

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Project International Youth Sport Partnership is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants
and co-financed by a State Budget of the Slovak republic. Also this web was created thanks to the support of these partners:

Supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants.