The aim of the organizers of international youth sport cooperation project was to create a project that would not only about and theories and lectures, but also mainly focused on action and sport. To underline impress and output of the project with new and unusual sports and cultural experiences.
Therefore, especially Night kayak race event on the Lake Ruzin was an ideal part for sport & adrenaline to projec conference in the Hotel Lesanka.
Side by side Norwegian partners and Ukrainian partners and students and other more than 100 people competed on the race. Even Ukrainian students managed to place on the score sheet in very good partitions.
It was a success for the organizers of the project and ofcourse for students themselves. Michael Tupitzya and Paul Rosoh learned kayaking at Summer camp courses on Domasa (project event) were placed in the perferct third place. Congratulations!
Ružínsku vodu si vyskúšali vodáci z celého Slovenska, ale i zo zahraničia. Chladné počasie neodradilo a celkový počet účastníkov tento rok atakoval rekord. Na evente sa využilo aj športové vybavenie získané vďaka projektu.
Nočný orientačný pretek býva každoročne veľkým zážitkom pre všetkých účastníkov. Mnohí, aj zahraniční pretekári potvrdili svoju účasť aj na budúcoročný pretek.
Spoluorganizátorom akcie bola Katedra telesnej výchovy TU v Košiciach. Akcia sa konala aj s podporou Ministerstva školstva SR a Slovenskej asociácie univerzitného športu.
Project International Youth Sport Partnership
is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants
and co-financed by a State Budget of the Slovak republic. Also this web was created thanks to the support of these partners:
Supported by a grant from Norway through the Norway Grants.